‘The Wild Geese’ 2nd September 1966
An article written by Mrs.Myrtle Allen, on her weekly cookery column for The Farmers Journal, in 1966
I was delighted to be shown an article today, by Mrs.Allen, from one of her ‘Scraps and Cuttings’ books, all about her weekly cookery column in The Farmers Journal. The article, dated in Mrs.Allen’s distinct neat writing, 2nd September 1966, titled ‘The Wild Geese’, about Ireland’s ‘links with wine producing areas’, and her visit, in 1966, to Chateau Leoville-Barton, and also mentioning Chateau Lynch-Bages and Chateau Haut Brion, and her visit also to Hennessy Cognac.

We are looking forward to the line-up of events, throughout Cork City and County this year, bringing the wine geese home, with the next event planned for Thursday evening, April 25th, taking place in The Crawford Art Gallery, Cork City, presented by Tomas Clancy, well known wine writer, and presenter on RTE Radio of ‘The Wine Geese’ series. (of interest is the extension in the 1880’s to the Crawford Galley, was designed by Mrs.Allen’s Grandfather, Arthur Hill of the firm of well known Cork architect, Henry Hill )
Also of great Wine Geese interest, is The International Wine Museum, in Desmond Castle, Kinsale dedicated to the Irish people the world over, both long ago, and current generations, involved in winemaking around the word, is well worth a visit, and of course Ted Murphy’s book, A Kingdom of Wine, The Story of Ireland’s Wine Geese, is brilliant, and this years series of wine geese events that I am involved along with, along with Beverley Mathews, of L’Attitude51, Wine Cafe, Cork and Maurice O’Mahony, of Wine Alliance, and the broader vibrant wine commuity of Cork city and county, is very much inspired by Ted and all his things ‘Wine Geese’ related in Ireland and around the world.
For the line-up of planned events, and may more in the pipeline, please see the website www.bringingthewinegeesehome.com