Lisa Bennett from Lanson Champagne gave a comparative tasting to the
students of a Non-Vintage Champagne and a Vintage 1998 Champagne. The Wine
Report 2009, edited by champagne expert, Tom Stevenson, lists Lanson
Champagne at No. 1 in his Top 10 list of fastest improving champagne houses,
and he also rates the Lanson N.V. as the most consistent in style and
quality of the champagne marques for the past two years. So the students had
a real treat and needless to say the comparative tasting was both
informative and enjoyable! Our thanks to Lisa and also to Michael Henchy, of
Tindal Wine Merchants for arranging this visit and tasting.
Attached photograph shows Lisa Bennett, Lanson Champagne; Michael Henchy,
Tindal Wines, and Colm.